2801 Fruitville Rd. #180 Sarasota, FL 34237

(941) 924-9892

Top 5 Most Common Shoulder Injuries

Each year, 7.6 million Americans visit the doctor’s office for shoulder problems, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Warning signs for a shoulder injury include unusual stiffness and soreness, difficulty rotating your arm into a normal position, the sensation that your shoulder is popping or sliding in and out of the socket, and a lack of strength in your shoulder during daily activities.

The majority of shoulder problems involve damage to the ligaments, tendons and muscles. Whether you are experiencing shoulder pain in Sarasota, FL, soreness or generalized back pain in Denver, CO, don’t ignore these symptoms. Continuing to be active can worsen the shoulder injury.

5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain#1: Rotator cuff damage. Repetitive stress is typically to blame for this injury, although normal wear and tear can also cause rotator cuff damage. For minor aches, icing the shoulder and over-the-counter pain treatment may be sufficient. If your pain persists, contact our chiropractor.

#2: Bursitis. This painful condition is caused by the inflammation of the bursa, a tissue-thin fluid sac that cushions the tendons, muscles and bones in the joint. Bursitis is typically caused by repetitive motion from overhead reaching (e.g., basketball or swimming). Strengthening the shoulder through physical therapy is essential to preventing the pain from returning.

#3: Dislocated shoulder. This intense pain occurs when the upper arm bone comes out of the shoulder socket. Significant trauma like a car accident or sports injury is typically necessary to cause a dislocated shoulder; medical attention is required to restore proper alignment.

#4: Frozen shoulder. A frozen shoulder occurs when the capsule of connective tissue that lines the shoulder joint thickens due to inflammation. As the inflammation worsens, movement becomes increasingly painful and extreme stiffness makes it difficult to impossible to move. It can take 12 to 18 months of physical therapy before individuals regain full mobility after a frozen shoulder.

#5: Osteoarthritis. When cartilage protecting the joints degenerates, osteoarthritis will cause chronic pain. While there is no cure, physiotherapy exercises can help restore mobility and manage pain.

Have you ever experienced shoulder pain? Share your experience below!

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